{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n static %} {% block content %}
{% with 'img/'|add:LANG|add:'/registry_app.svg' as image_static %} {% trans 'GDPR Registry App by Pluribus One' %} {% endwith %}

{% trans 'GDPR Registry Web App' %}

{% trans 'Welcome to the GDPR Registry Web App, developed by Pluribus One' %} {% trans 'under open-source license' %} (*).

{% trans 'The GDPR Registry Web App can be used to annotate and keep track of all your data processing activities, according to a sound framework' %}, {% trans 'and produce high-quality, updated reports in PDF format. This is a key step towards an enhanced security posture, and to satisfy GDPR requirements.' %}

{% endblock %}