{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n static %} {% block content %}
{% blocktrans %}To manage the whole GDPR process, you need a central point where information about GDPR procedures are stored and can be updated on a regular basis by dedicated personnel, including your Data Protection Officer. This central place is of fundamental importance to keep track of your current compliance status, identify issues and mitigate them. And this is exactly the role of the so-called Registry of Data Processing Activities, described in the GDPR Article 30. It can also demonstrate that GDPR is a continuous process that has become an integral part of your business. This is a key step towards an enhanced security posture. {% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}The Pluribus One GDPR Registry Web app allows you to keep track of all data processing activities according to a hierarchical structure and the various GDPR stages highlighted in this document.{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}The main hierarchical structure of the registry is showed as follows.{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans 'You may add as many entries as you require in the registry, e.g., unlimited number of organizations, business processes, activities, data audits, and so on.' %}
{% blocktrans %}To manage the whole GDPR process, you need a central point where information about each of the four mentioned phases is stored and can be updated on a regular basis by dedicated personnel, including your Data Protection Officer. This central place is of fundamental importance to keep track of your current compliance status, identify issues and mitigate them. And this is exactly the role of the so-called Registry of Data Processing Activities, described in the GDPR Article 30. It can also demonstrate that GDPR is a continuous process that GDPR has become an integral part of your business. This is a key step towards an enhanced security posture. {% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}The GDPR Registry app allows you to keep track of all data processing activities according to a hierarchical structure and the various GDPR stages highlighted in this document. {% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans %}The fifth step is to associate a data management polocy to each data audit. This policy should describe
{% blocktrans %}The sixth step is to associate a data breach detection to each data audit. We should describe
{% blocktrans %}The seventh step is to associate an incident response plan to each data audit. We should describe
{% blocktrans %}The eight step is to associate a DPIA Document to the data audit. This is only required if the data we manage entails a high risk for the freedoms and rights of EU citizens. Anyway, it basically will describe/motivate in detail the mitigation activities of phases 5,6,7. Thus, if we already done the phases 5,6,7, this phase should be straightforward.{% endblocktrans %}
{% endcomment %} {% endblock %}